Just a short little page to update family and friends on Devin's progress while undergoing treatment for a relapse of leukemia and his second bone marrow transplant. Devin is currently in remission and we plan to keep him there FOREVER!
It is not a secret that I am less than thrilled with the hospital that Devin is seen at here. (Ha! "seen at" if you consider it has been ONE appointment in the last year) We had an appointment in September, which the clinic called the day before to cancell. At that time, I was told no appointments were available and I would be called with a new appointment.
Between all the various holidays that crop up between October and January that it crossed my mind that we never got a call. I called this morning to find out what the heck was going on. Amazingly, I was able to get an appointment almost immediately. I also was transferred over to Endocrinology and was able to secure an appointment there as well. Even better, Devin can see the endocrinologist in Fairfax...no driving into Washington DC! Since Devin is seeing some oncologist that I have no clue who he is, maybe we can be followed up in Fairfax as well. I know the doctor that Dr. Frangoul sent us to does not go to Fairfax but since we have apparently been shuffled off to someone else, perhaps we can switch there.
I do realize that Devin's medical needs at the moment are low because nothing is going on but it doesn't inspire much confidence in me the way that this has all been done. I wish we had the ability and funds to just fly to Vanderbilt for checkups.
Of course, it has been almost 5 years since his relapse and he is doing wonderfully. Devin is on no medications, he has nothing going on medically. He does need to be followed through endocrinology but it is still some time off before anything may have to be done. It is not a given that he will need anything to kick start his teen growth but it is likely.
I am hoping that his next appointment on the 15th will be a more positive experince than the other times we have had contact with Children's Hospital. posted by Devin's Mom
2:34 PM